Eight Reasons Why Your Cat is So Vocal


She’s hungry. Ok, so she’s really not hungry because you just gave her a treat 30 minutes ago, but hey that’s no reason to stop asking. And ask she does, with just the sweetest little “Feed me NOW” meows she can utter from her not-so-hungry round self. And then she adds emphasis by wrapping herself around your legs over and over again, to the point where you are certain tripping is inevitable. She literally leads the way to her food bowl as her meows become more plaintive.

She stares at the ceiling and meows repeatedly. You can’t help but follow her eyes. What does she see up there? Is she crazy? She continues to meow and stare, and you find yourself staring along with her. Seriously, WHAT DOES SHE SEE UP THERE??? You reason it must be a bug, probably a big bug, and your body prepares for a flight response. Hers prepares for a pounce response.

She’s being pestered by another cat, or the dog, or a child. She screams so loud that you are absolutely certain that there is a mountain lion in your house. You are so startled you spill your drink and have to gather your composure as you wonder how something so loud could possibly have come from her tiny little body. Naw…you must have imagined that.

She wants in, she wants out. She wants in, she wants out. She wants in, she wants out, and she is vocalizing her discontent with the idiot that randomly placed these architectural blocks throughout the house! They can serve no purpose.

She gives a low, almost inaudible growl. She is warning you not to move her from her current resting spot unless you have antiseptic meds and bandages close at hand.

She sees a bird or squirrel just outside the window. Ok, hunting time. Her jaw quivers and the chattering is incessant. You reason that those desk drawer glides really do need replacing, until you realize that your kitty is just doing a little impossible stalking of the outside critters. The chattering continues until the fortunate bird flies away or until the squirrel finds a bigger pecan tree. Life is bitter for an indoor cat!

She hisses, not unlike the classic Halloween cat, in fear or as a warning to other cats or dogs to keep their distance.

She wants affection, and gives a little “ttrrrrrr” when you pet her, or a “I’m just so happy you are in my life” meow. Now these are the best sounds ever, especially when followed by eyes that search your soul and a kitty blissfully curled up in your lap. Or maybe lying stretched across your chest. The house is peaceful and quite now, and all is right with the world. You decide that your kitty has the right idea, and join her for an afternoon nap.