Heart to Heart


It is February 14th, Valentine’s Day, the day of romance and love.  My husband and I, having just celebrated our 27th anniversary, spent our Saturday quietly, getting good rest after some hard work in the yard.  The photo above is of two of my irises, preparing to bloom soon.  And somehow they reminded me of the two of us, steadfast through the seasons.  While our lives may not be as exciting and fast-paced as they once were, we are both perfectly content with our slower pace and our time spent together.  We still enjoy a nice dinner out, working together on projects, and watching old classic movies on TCM.  And laughing, lots of laughing.  And while our lives might seem dull to some, we know with certainty that we will be together for the remainder of our time on this earth.  Not that it’s all been perfect; no marriage is.  But we have weathered the good and bad, the ups and downs, and like my irises continue to enjoy each new season.  Now where are those rocking chairs?

Give me your thoughts!